如題,跟大家分享 關於退休金領回的經驗
首先呢!! 我是在 2015.10.09 參考了 http://rj1980.pixnet.net/blog/post/39633599-%E2%98... RJ火星人之光
以及 http://ann1109p.pixnet.net/blog/post/43903339-%E6%... Ann Chen's Blog
兩篇文章 裡面申請的其實都寫的非常清楚了,但因為 退休金公司不一樣 而 RJ 在 HOSTPLUS 的金額又不超過 $5000
所以 我自己實際申請的流程是這樣的....
2015.10.10 向ATO 線上先提出 DASP 的申請(https://applicant.tr.super.ato.gov.au/applicants/d... ) (如果 退休金在$5000 以下 完成這個步驟 等個21天 HOSTPLUS 就會寄支票給你了唷!!!)
而我在10.14收到 HOST PLUS的通知:
分別是 1.Hostplus的DASP表格 Hostplus Departing Australia Superannuation Payment application guide.(*如果你有需求要直接匯入澳洲帳號的話,要另外提供銀行對帳單)
3.向Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) 申請出入境證明(表格1194)
而我在10.16從宜蘭地方法院公證處 拿到護照公證(我只有公證 照片與本人簽名的那一頁,工作天數約三到五天)
10.19 向(DIBP)提出申請(表格1194),我是將文件列印出來,填寫完用手機拍照E-MAIL過去的。寄出之後會收到系統回信 說這個申請的工作天數大約是五週。
10.21 SUPERHOBART 就扣了AU$55(我是用澳洲的卡刷的)
10.30 SUPERHOBART就寄來了 以下:
Eligibility for the Departing Australia Superannuation Payment.
This email is to confirm that the person listed above meets the criteria for the Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP), as set out in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994.
Regulation 6.24A (3) specifies that:
(3) The trustee of the fund must be satisfied, based on a written statement from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, that:
(a) the member was a temporary resident but the member’s temporary visa has ceased to be in effect; and
(b) the member has left Australia.
I can confirm that the person listed above meets these criteria.
10.31 我用郵局的國際快捷(NT$455) 寄出 信封內包含 :
Hostplus Benefits
Locked Bag 3
Carlton South VIC 3053
11/10 HOSTPLUS寄了一封身份確認的信給我,要求提供以下的資料。
Full name
·Date of birth
·All Previous address(es)
·Current address
·Nominated beneficiaries
·Membership number (if known); and
·The names of any employers who have made contributions to your account.
11.10 晚上查看我的nab帳戶, 我就收到退休金了!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH~~~~~~~~